navigate to vile /var/www/fusionpbx/resources/footer.php and edit the information for copyright as required.
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navigate to vile /var/www/fusionpbx/resources/footer.php and edit the information for copyright as required.
Continue readingIf after day light saving ended or started the time did not update on the phone then you need to
Continue readingIf you like to Call cross tenant then create an outbound rout with the following settinga 5 is predefined number
Continue readingCheck time on Linux CLI date and press enter, this is your server time. to check freeswitch time fs_cli -x
Continue readingThis will help wake you up in the morning or whenever… hehehe… *925 Enter time hour for example 13 for
Continue readingWhen using talking clock Current server date *9171 Current server time *9170 Current server date & time *9172 The time
Continue readingNavigate to the following path and open maintenance file using you favourite terminal editor. I use nano. sudo nano /etc/cron.daily/fusionpbx-maintenance
Continue readingSending fax from you email coult not have been easier. Go to Applications > Fax Server Create New Fax Server
Continue readingMETHOD 1 – EASY Navigate to you fusion pbx domain Menu > Advance > Default Settings Under category select fax
Continue readingIn this post I will be writing how to create a trunk between two fusion pbx servers. PBXA is the
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