Processor – CPU
Intel processor that supports 64-bit architecture
Amd Processor that supports AMD64 architecture platform.
Memory – RAM
128GB is minimum recomended for mailbox role.
64GB is minimum recomended for Edge Transport Role
Exchange Server 2019 supports upto 256GB of RAM
However, as I will demonstrate Exchange Server 2019 runs perfectly with 16GB of RAM (in my lab environment)
Paging file size
Set the paging file minimum and maximum value to the same size: 25% of installed memory.
Disk space – Storage (HDD/SSD)
• At least 30 GB of free space on the drive where you’re installing Exchange.
• At least 200 MB of free space on the system drive.
• At least 500 MB of free space on the drive that contains the message queue database.
Screen resolution
1024 x 768 pixels (XGA) or higher
File system
NTFS: Required on partitions that contain the following types of files:
• The System partition.
• Exchange binaries.
• Files generated by Exchange diagnostic logging.
• Transport database files (for example, the mail queue database).
ReFS: Supported on partitions that contain the following types of Exchange files:
• Mailbox databases.
• Transaction logs.